Dell XPS 8930 Review: Desktop PCs are alive and kicking in 2019

Who says desktop PCs are dead? They are alive and thriving in 2019. If you are looking for a powerful computer for video-editing or gaming, then desktop PCs give far better bang for bucks than expensive laptops. Laptops are constrained by thermal limitations and cannot compete with desktops half their price.

I am very impressed with Dell line of desktop PCs. Checkout my detailed review of Dell XPS 8930 

The base model  of Dell XPS 8930 is a great value for money. I purchased this model for my personal use and made the following upgrades:
I am not much of a gamer, but I run a youtube channel and use Dell XPS 8930 for editing 4K videos in Davinci Resolve. I am very happy with the performance of this desktop and plan to use it for many years to come!

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